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Our Best Performing Social Media Content of 2023, And Why We Think It Worked

Mitra analyzes the top-performing social media posts of 2023 across platforms and why they did well.(image)

Last year, I shared Buffer’s top social posts and why I thought the posts performed so well. It was so much fun looking back at the past year, so now I’m back to do it again for 2023!

Today, I’m sharing Buffer’s top-performing social posts from each platform and will give you an analysis of why I think these posts performed so well. I love looking back at the top posts of the year – it’s a great way to see what worked to help shape our social media strategy for the upcoming year. We’re also in the process of changing up our strategy, so this information will be really helpful for us.

What metrics are we using to calculate these top posts?

At Buffer, we use engagement rate and impressions as our base metrics, so I’ll be sharing the best posts on Buffer’s LinkedIn, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and TikTok for each of these metrics. Facebook isn’t a priority for our social media strategy as it’s not a channel where we’ve historically had great performance. I’d also like to point out that the posts I’m sharing today were not boosted — this is all organic!

Now, let’s dive in to see Buffer’s top posts of 2023!


Top post based on engagement rate: An AMA request


This is an interesting one because it actually didn’t end up with many comments, but still had a high engagement rate. This post was shared as a PDF carousel, which we’ve seen a trend where these kinds of posts get a really high engagement rate on LinkedIn. Our posts featuring the team and focusing on our culture have historically performed well, so it’s no surprise that this post asking people who they’d like to do an AMA with from Buffer was our top post.


Top post based on impressions: A poll on employee benefits


I love using polls on LinkedIn because they are a great way to start discussions. My strategy with polls on LinkedIn has been to use them as a way to talk about work culture, and I felt like benefits were something that people had been talking about a lot lately, especially since there’s been a lot of back-and-forth on whether remote work should be considered a benefit. This question asking people to choose one benefit that they think is most important started a discussion in the comments because a lot of people had different opinions.


X (Formerly known as Twitter)

Side note: I’m still struggling to remember this platform changed names

Top post based on engagement rate: An open role at Buffer

I’m not surprised to see that a ‘we’re hiring’ post ended up as a top post of the year. At Buffer, we’re known for our unique culture, salary transparency, and amazing benefits, so people are always excited about the possibility of joining the team. The fact that we listed the salary right away probably caught a lot of people’s attention, even if they had no interest in applying for the job.


Top post based on impressions: A question on remote work perks

I love that a post about remote work is a top post here. We are incredibly passionate about remote work here at Buffer, and love to talk about it with our community. I was hopeful that asking this question would garner a lot of responses since people would want to share their unique experiences with remote work, and that’s exactly what happened here.



Top post based on engagement rate: A repurposed post on marketing metrics

This was actually a post that I repurposed from the year before because it had been a top- performing post the first time we posted it. I’ve noticed that posts that give practical advice perform well for us on Instagram, and that’s why this post did so well. Our audience includes small business owners who may not be social media experts, so posts like these are very helpful for them.


Top post based on impressions: A fun twist on a hiring post

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